Students post photo journals of every trip and how God has changed lives. You can play a significant role in their mission experience by:

  • Praying for these students
  • Purchasing coupon books
  • Donating to the Garth Sangree Fund which provides mission trip financial assistance
  • By giving blood during our drives - $10 will go toward your designated mission trip student

Ways to Give



Boca Christian mission trips culminate with an unforgettable senior experience. Students stay at Pura Vida Mission in Costa Rica. They conduct a Vacation Bible School twice daily for village children and enjoy adventure activities in the rainforest.


Our juniors travel to Hildale, Utah to the Christ-centered Short Creek Dream Center. Students serve in the local food bank, park outreaches, and the Dream Center. During the junior trip, bonds are formed, hearts are touched, and students enjoy team building activities and go on incredible hikes.


Students stay at the Long View Ranch in Tennessee and serve poor communities in the Appalachian Mountains. The trip includes helping families with repair and construction projects. They enjoy activities like paintball and horse riding at the campsite.


Freshmen receive real-life train­ing in missions at the H.E.A.R.T. Insti­tute (Hunger Edu­cation Aware­ness and Re­search Train­ing) in Lake Wales, Florida, learn­ing about underdevel­oped countries, attend­ing a cross-cultural church, and taking part in service pro­jects.


Local Missions

During high school mission trip week in the spring, some students choose to serve those in need in the South Florida community. Outreach projects have included working with children at a child development center, serving at a food bank, and performing maintenance tasks for local non-profit organizations.