K3-8th Grade Parents:
Serve-A-Thon is our annual K3-8th grade community service project outreach throughout the months of March and April. We feel that Serve-A-Thon is an important way to teach our students how to serve others as Christ commanded.
3/10-14 - Boca Helping Hands - is a non-profit that provides food to those in need within our community. We will be participating in their cereal drive during the week of March 10-14th. Please bring regular sized cereal boxes this week.
3/17-20 - BRCC Clothing Closet - students will bring in gently used clothing only, to donate to Boca Raton Community Church's Clothing Closet Ministry. The Clothing Closet donates to many different organizations throughout the tri-county area.
3/31-4/4 - Letters of Love - Sonata South, Forgotten Soldiers, Meals on Wheels - Students will be writing letters of love to various organizations in South Florida. 1st grade will make placemats and write notes for Meals on Wheels residents. 2nd and 3rd grade will write letters to people serving in the military via Forgotten Soldiers. 4th and 5th grade will write letters to the senior residents at Sonata Homes.
Month of March - Middle School students will be participating in service projects on and off campus.
April 5 - Family Picnic 11:00 am - 2:00 pm at BRCS on Blazer field - waterslide, bounce house, Chick Fil A, and more!
Additional information to follow soon.
By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.
John 13:35