8/24/24 - The Men's Breakfast
High School News Home Page

Men, here's a great opportunity to connect with other men on a Saturday morning over a delicious complimentary breakfast. Hear from guest speaker, FSU National Champion/FSU Hall of Famer/Former Dallas Cowboy Clay Shiver. Join us in the Boca Christian dining room on Saturday, August 24th from 8:30-10:00 am. Encourage a friend by inviting them to join you!

We will also have some Old/New/Classic cars on display under the main canopy for us to enjoy before and after breakfast. Feel free to come a 1/2 hour early or stay a little longer to view these awesome vehicles. If you would like to display your car that morning, contact Ken Davis, at 561-756-2559.

Please let us know if you'll attend by clicking the "Register" button by noon on Friday, August 23rd. If you have any questions you can email Bill Hood at [email protected] or call him at 561-699-3949. We look forward to seeing you there. We are not made to do life alone!

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